Welcome Home!

Who We Are
Our Values
We're excited to have you join us. We understand that visiting a church for the first time can be daunting, here at The Church at Godley Station, we strive to make everyone feel right at home by creating a safe environment for them to explore God in a non-threatening environment. When you arrive at the church, a friendly host will greet you at the door and show you the way. You will not be singled out or left out. You will be welcomed and loved.
Questions we have been asked?
What Time Are The Worship Services?
Our worship services are identical and meet on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We also have Connect Groups that meet during both hours.
How Should I Dress?
TC@GS is a very relaxed atmosphere. Our staff will be dressed casually, but we want everyone to come dressed in whatever makes them comfortable. So come as you are.
What About My Kids?
We provide a nursery and Godley Kidz (kid's church) during the worship services for ages 0-5th grade. This is optional, but we like to provide your children with a safe, relevant, and fun environment.
What About My Middle and High School Students?
We offer a dedicated space for 6th—12th-grade students (Godley Students) who grow together during the 10:30 a.m. service. We aim to provide a safe, engaging, and relevant environment for students to nurture their faith.
What Kind of Music Do You Have?
The worship services are contemporary in nature and led by a praise team.
Questions we have been asked?
What Time Are The Worship Services?
Our worship services are identical and meet on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We also have Connect Groups that meet during both hours.
How Should I Dress?
TC@GS is a very relaxed atmosphere. Our staff will be dressed casually, but we want everyone to come dressed in whatever makes them comfortable. So come as you are.
What About My Kids?
We provide a nursery and Godley Kidz (kid's church) during the worship services for ages 0-5th grade. This is optional, but we like to provide your children with a safe, relevant, and fun environment.
What About My Middle and High School Students?
We offer a dedicated space for 6th—12th-grade students (Godley Students) who grow together during the 10:30 a.m. service. We aim to provide a safe, engaging, and relevant environment for students to nurture their faith.
What Kind of Music Do You Have?
The worship services are contemporary in nature and led by a praise team.